How to change Email Address in Blogger by Google

Keeping it simple,

Blogger is a platform provided by google to share ideas with mass and to explore the world of thoughts. Blogger is associated with user's gmail account, and blogger call it admin.

Sometimes we feel necessary to change email to login with, here are simple steps to change email for blogger:

Step 1:

Login to your Blogger account with your existing email, which you want to change.

Step 2:

Go to blogger dashboard > Settings > Basics, go down to the end of page you will find " Permissions"

Step 3:

Click on "Add authors", a box will open, write down new email ID which you want to update and want to use for future purposes and click on "Invite authors".

Step 4:

After inviting author, new email address will show on the page as an open invitation.

Step 5:

Login with the second email address, where you would find a mail containing "Accept Invitation". Accept Invitation and your new email will show on the page.
